Problems of teenagers

Zu einem Hörtext sollen die Schüler*innen einer 7. Klasse im Fach Englisch an einer Gesamtschule Notizen machen. Der Student, welcher seine Schulpraktischen Übungen in dieser Klasse absolviert, vermutet allerdings, dass die Texte zu schwer sein könnten.


Ja. They always complain about my music. It’s what the teenagers say. Not the, not the parents, okay? They is the parents. And the parents complain about it, okay? Okay. It’s a hard one, I think, because you didn’t understand all the words. Maybe it was too difficult, too difficult words. But I want you to know about this. [Er zeigt an die Wand.] Okay.
And I’m going to introduce some teenagers now from Canada. And I brought an audio file with me. We don’t need that anymore by the way.
[Er schaltet den OHP aus.]
And I’m going to play some statements of, äh, from teeangers of Canada. Okay? And before we start with that, we need another table.
[Er klappt die Tafel ganz auf.] You can write that just underneath the table we’ve got there. [???]
[Er holt ein Blatt und nimmt zur Tafel. Er beginnt eine zweite Tabelle und schreibt in sie hinein.]

I’m not going to take the ruler. You can do that. Just going to do it like that … So we’ve got Robert. [Er dreht sich zur Klasse.] Please copy the table. You can, you can do it with me now, okay. [Die SuS schreiben die Tabelle ab.] [Der Student geht zum Lehrertisch, an dem ein CD-Player steht. Er stellt ihn ein. Danach wartet er auf die SuS.]
Now we’re back in the country of Canada. I’ve got six teenagers from Canada. And they say something about their lives and their problems. And I’m going to play each of the statements of them …
[Er geht zur Tafel und zeigt auf die Namen an der Tafel.]
one after the other and I’ll make a pause between them. And you should write down what their problem is.
[Er zeigt auf die Tabelle an der Tafel.]
Okay? Listen carefully and then write down what their problem is with their parents or in their lives. It-it’s just, like, ten seconds they say something and then you write down just a short note, okay. It’s okay if you write down just one or two words. Can anybody say what the task is now? What did I just say? In German. Can anybody say that for me? [Er zeigt auf einen Schüler.] Yes, please.

Juliane Götz |