Feedback zu einem Dialog

Die Schüler*innen einer 6. Klasse eines Gymnasiums sollen einen Dialog zwischen dem Vater von King Arthur (Uther) und dem Zauberer Merlin in Partnerarbeit schreiben. Die Studentin, welche die Klasse im Rahmen ihrer Schulpraktischen Übungen unterrichtet, fordert die Schüler*innen anschließend auf, ihre Dialoge vor der Klasse vorzutragen, wozu die Zuhörenden ihr Feedback geben sollen.


Please sit down. Okay. Thank you. Please stop writing. ‚Cause I want to listen to some of your dialogues. And the others, please be very quiet. And listen very carefully, so that you can give it a short feedback afterwards. If you liked the dialogues, if it was creative or funny. Okay. Who wants to start? Which group wants to present their dialogue? Otherwise I’m just going to choose one. [Sie schaut auf den Sitzplan.] And I think I want to listen to … Ronja und Pia? And Pia … Okay. You can, you can stay at your place, it’s alright. But remember please speak loud and clear, so that everyone can hear you.


Okay. Ähm … [Sie liest vor.] What’s the plan? My son is very important for me.


[Sie liest vor.] Yes, I know, don’t worry! And midnight, when everyone is asleep, you have to bring to the beach and then Arthur can grow up at Sir Hector’s.


[Sie liest vor.] Okay. I hope that’s a good plan and it will work. But can you look after Arthur sometimes, too?


[Sie liest vor.] Yes, of course, I can do that, but not every time.


[Sie liest vor.] Okay, thank you very much, Merlin. I see you later. Bye.


[Sie nickt.] Okay. What do you think, the others? [Sie schaut auf den Sitzplan.] What about Fiona? Did you like it?


Yes, I liked their dialogue. I think it was very good and they said many informations what they do.


Hm, much information, yes.


Much information.


Okay. And I liked it, as well. Thought it was very good. And it is important to somebody, right. I think you said it in the beginning. [Sie zeigt auf eine der Schülerinnen.]




Okay. He is important to me. But it was very good. Okay. Somebody else. [Sie schaut auf ihre Uhr und dann auf den Sitzplan.]

Juliane Götz |