Texte überfliegen

In einer Englischstunde in einer 7. Klasse an einer Gesamtschule erlernen die Schüler*innen, woher man Informationen für einen selbst vorbereiteten Vortrag erhält. Dabei erklärt der Student eine Lesestrategie. Auf die Aufforderung durch den Studenten, dass die Schüler*innen das Erlernte in die Muttersprache übersetzen, reagieren diese nicht.

[Der Student führt in ein neues Thema ein. Die SuS sollen lernen, Informationen aus Texten herauszufiltern.]


Okay, that, that’s a good sentence. When was Beyoncé born. I think it’s usually alright if you type in Beyoncé and then look maybe on an, on an article that is about her. Or maybe Beyoncé and then birthday. That would be fine on the internet. Yeah. Do you have any other sources where you would look up things about an artist. There is not just the internet. Have you got any other ideas? [Die SuS reagieren nicht.] Maybe you can think about, ähm, getting into a shop and buying something from that artist. Is there any information about that artist on things you can buy? Yes [?] [Er zeigt auf einen Schüler.]

Schüler A:



A CD, yes! Usually on the back of a CD there is a CD cover or maybe some, some background knowledge and you can look things up in there. And there is maybe a little leaflet, a paper that you can take out and read it. Yes. Our topic today, as I said, is my favourite artist and I want to show you a skill, something I want to show you, a method to look things up about people or about a group or to get knowledge and information from an article, okay? And the technique that I, the skill that I want to show you is called skimming. [Er schreibt es an die Tafel.] Skimming means you have an article or a text and you look over it, you skim it in order to get the main idea of the text. You don’t have to understand every word of it but you look over it to understand the main idea. Can anybody translate that in German for me? What did you get out of what I just explained for skimming? [Er zeigt an die Tafel. Die SuS reagieren nicht.] Looking at an article or a text to get the main idea. What does that mean? [Die SuS reagieren nicht.] Marian, have you got an idea? No? What does ‚looking at an article‘ mean? [Er reagiert nicht.] Reading an article? Looking at it? What does it mean? In German. You can say it in German if you like. We are going to visualize it. Looking [Er zeigt mit zwei Fingern auf seine Augen.] at an article. [Er zeigt eine flache Hand.] What does it mean?


Einen Text lesen?


Yes. ‚Lesen‘ would be read. Okay? Looking just … [Er zeigt wieder mit zwei Fingern auf seine Augen.]


Angucken … anschauen.

Juliane Götz |